MDOT Director: Michigan Roads Bad Right Now and About to Get Worse
“This spring is going to be ugly,” says Kirk Steudle.

If you think pothole season is particularly bad this year — you’re not alone.
As Michiganders, we reserve the right to bemoan road conditions and pride ourselves on being capable drivers in any weather conditions and on any roads. But it certainly seems like the warnings from state officials of serious long-term problems with our infrastructure are coming to fruition.
Gov. Rick Snyder says one of his key priorities in his final year as governor is to increase funding — perhaps dramatically — to pay to improve our bridges and roads. But that could prove difficult amid a strained relationship with Republican leaders in the Legislature.
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Director Kirk Steudle tells Detroit Today host Stephen Henderson road conditions are bad right now — and they’re about to get worse.
“This spring is going to be ugly,” says Steudle. “This nice weather that we enjoyed two weeks ago when it was 45 degrees, that’s wonderful if you’re out taking a walk, but that just wreaks havoc with road systems.”
Steudle also talks about the status of a $1.2 billion road funding increase that Gov. Snyder signed in 2015, and what could be done to further improve Michigan’s roads and bridges.
Click on the audio player above to hear the full conversation.