Snyder Takes Steps to Increase Broadband Internet Access

“We still have too many areas of rural Michigan in particular that do not have quality access to broadband,” said Snyder spokesperson Ari Adler.

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Jake Neher/WDET

Gov. Rick Snyder kicked off his week of daily announcements Monday with a focus on broadband internet access.

During his State of the State speech, Snyder said he would make a new announcement about infrastructure and the environment every day this week.

On Monday, Snyder signed an executive order that creates a group charged with building a “roadmap” of what needs to be done in Michigan to make sure everyone has access to secure, reliable, and affordable broadband internet.

“We still have too many areas of rural Michigan in particular that do not have quality access to broadband,” said Snyder spokesperson Ari Adler. “And that’s not good for them in terms of being able to take advantage of the state’s comeback.”

Adler said a goal is protecting parts of Michigan from potential hard times.

“If you have a rural county where internet adoption is below 40 percent, when they have an economic downturn, they’ve lost more businesses, they lose more jobs,” he said. “So you have to be able to compete and the way you do that is by having this access.”

The executive order directs the group to look for gaps in internet service coverage and capacity, look at what is currently being done to fix connectivity issues, and identify key strategies and recommendations for the state and private sector to explore to enhance connectivity.

The group will include members from government entities, the private sector, academia and stakeholders, according to a press release. Five members will be appointed by the governor and two will be nominated by the speaker of the House and Senate majority leader. There will also be a handful of non-voting members.

The group is supposed to have the roadmap put together by August. From there, Adler says the governor’s office will look at what it can do in terms of things like funding and coordination between public and private interest groups. The governor is term-limited and out of office at the end of the year. 


  • Cheyna Roth is the co-host and creator of WDET's state politics podcast, MichMash. She has been an audio journalist for almost a decade, covering major events like presidential elections, college scandals, the Michigan Legislature and more, appearing on NPR and across Michigan public radio stations. Cheyna is also a senior producer and podcast host for, having produced and hosted shows like Political Gabfest, The Waves, and What Next TBD. Also an author, Cheyna has written two true crime books and her written work has appeared in Broadly, Slate, and MLive, among others.