A Number of Ballot Proposals Get Green Light to Collect Signatures
There are campaigns to put earned sick time, marijuana legalization, and redistricting on the ballot.

Several ballot proposals for Michigan’s 2018 election crossed a hurdle Thursday.
The Board of State Canvassers approved the form of proposals on earned sick time, marijuana legalization and redistricting.
That doesn’t mean the board guarantees the content of the ballots will hold up against lawsuits. But it makes sure the campaign won’t succumb to a challenge in front of the board on technical issues after they gather signatures.
Danielle Atkinson is with MI Time to Care. The group’s ballot proposal would require employers to offer earned sick leave to all full-time and part-time employees. If passed, employees would earn one hour of sick time for every 30 hours of work.
“Everyone gets sick but unfortunately not everyone has time to get well,” Atkinson said. “So this really is an answer to the problem that everyone is faced with at some point in their life.”
This is the third time this issue has been before the Board of State Canvassers. Previous efforts did not make the ballot.
After a recess to fix a technical problem with the affidavit of their proposal, Voters Not Politicians’ proposal passed.
The Voters Not Politicians’ proposal would revamp the way the state draws its district lines. Katie Fahey is president of the group. She said it’s a nonpartisan, grassroots effort that wants to give voters back their power.
“Currently, people’s votes are looked at to be manipulated instead of just accurately representing their will,” she said. “And we would like the will of the people to actually be the standard in Michigan instead of an anomaly.”
One of several marijuana legalization proposals passed. Abrogate Prohibition Michigan would legalize the agricultural, personal, recreational, commercial or other use of marijuana.