Schlichting on Turning HFHS Around, Coming Out and Coming to Detroit
Henry Ford Health System’s CEO looks at the business of health care and Detroit in her new book.

A new book written by outgoing Henry Ford Health Systems CEO Nancy Schlichting highlights her time in Detroit, her coming out as a gay woman and how she sees Detroit’s turn-around. She highlights those points, among others, in her new book and shared stories with Stephen Henderson
- Unconventional CEO Schlichting says she’s a woman, she’s gay and she’s the CEO of a major health care operation. Her life experience is all about diversity.
- Embraced by Detroit Detroit is a place of diversity and Schlichting says that made her transition here 17 years ago very easy and comfortable
- Turning Around HFHS When Schlichting arrived at Henry Ford Health System the hospital was losing a lot of money and talent was not being fully utilized. She is credited with increasing the operation from 2 Billion to 6 Billion and doubling the staff