ACLU May Sue Catholic Hospital in Michigan for Denying Medical Care on Religious Grounds

The ACLU may sue a Catholic hospital in Michigan for denying tubal ligation to a pregnant woman with a brain tumor.

genesys hospital

 The American Civil Liberties Union is threatening to sue a Catholic hospital in Grand Blanc for refusing to perform a tubal ligation on a pregnant woman with a brain tumor.

Doctors say a second pregnancy could threaten the woman’s life.

Hospital officials say the Catholic healthcare system follows the ethical and religious directives of the church, including those that define sterilization procedures that prevent contraception as “intrinsically evil.”

But a senior staff attorney for the ACLU’s Reproductive Freedom Project, Brigitte Amiri, tells WDET’s Quinn Klinefelter…the group believes the church is going beyond legal bounds by requiring providers to deny medical care.


  • Quinn Klinefelter is a Senior News Editor at 101.9 WDET. In 1996, he was literally on top of the news when he interviewed then-Senator Bob Dole about his presidential campaign and stepped on his feet.