Michelle Obama Talks Up Higher Education At Wayne State Rally
First Lady Michelle Obama tells students in Detroit higher education is key to achieving dreams, pushing U.S forward.

First Lady Michelle Obama told a crowd of students in Detroit today that higher education is the key to achieving dreams and pushing the nation as a whole forward.
The First Lady addressed about 2,000 Detroit high school students at an event on the Wayne State University campus.
It’s part of what’s being called College Signing Day – a time, Mrs. Obama said, to celebrate those who are trying to better themselves and, by extension, the nation.
Wearing a shirt from her alma mater – Princeton – the First Lady told the students she knows how college can seem lonely and overwhelming And, she said, how rewarding earning a degree can be.
She said, “I am like you! There’s no magic here. I got here because I worked hard, not because I was rich or famous or had important people looking out for me. I got there because I worked hard. And if you got into college than you have everything you need to get through college.”
The Detroit event was one of about 600 College Signing Days held across the country.
The First Lady is touting the benefits of higher education as part of an effort to increase college graduation rates.
A quarter-century ago the US had more four-year college graduates than any other country, but now ranks 12th in that category.