RTA Gives First Look at Master Transit Plan [Video + Map]
Plan includes bus rapid transit on Woodward, Gratiot, and Michigan avenues.

Regional Transit Authority Chairman Paul Hillegonds says Southeast Michigan needs a viable mass transit system that connects people to jobs, and helps Detroit compete with other cities. The RTA unveils a draft of its 20-year master plan on May 31. A key part of the plan is rapid bus service on Woodward, Gratiot, and Michigan avenues. RTA Chief Executive Michael Ford tells WDET’s Pat Batcheller the goal of “Bus Rapid Transit” is to move people quickly and efficiently. Ford estimates the plan will cost $4.6 billion over 20 years, paid for by a property tax millage. Voters in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, and Washtenaw counties would be asked to consider the 1.2 mill request in November. Click on the audio player to hear the conversation.