New Detroit Rules Allow for Demonstrations at Campus Martius Park

Protesters are now able to gather at Campus Martius, but must obtain a permit if more than 25 people present.

Campus Martius Protest

Photo credit: Marissa Gawel/WDET

Marissa Gawel/WDET
Eric Garner Protest on Campus Martius

Demonstrations in Detroit’s Campus Martius are allowed again under new regulations, but permits will be required for gatherings of more than 25 people. A group contracted by the city to take care of the area had prohibited protest events, specifically on two occasions last year. American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan Attorney Brooke Tucker says the organization filed a lawsuit after learning about park security preventing demonstrations.

“Campus Martius is a place that’s for the residents of Detroit to use as their gathering place, and part of that gathering includes being able to engage in free speech activity, such as petitioning, leafleting and marching.”

-Brooke Tucker

Tucker says city of Detroit officials have sent new rules to responsible groups, notifying them that all first amendment activity is allowed in city parks. She says groups of more than 45 people, or 25 in the case of Campus Martius, must obtain a permit to protest.
