President Joe Biden to campaign in Michigan this week

Fresh off his State of the Union address, Biden and his senior aides will barnstorm the country to aggressively sell his vision for a second term to voters.

President Joe Biden addressing an audience at a silicon chip company in Bay City, Mich., in November 2022.

President Joe Biden addressing an audience at a silicon chip company in Bay City, Mich., in November 2022.

Michigan will be part of President Joe Biden first big campaign swing as the general election begins to ramp up.

Fresh off his State of the Union address, Biden and his senior aides will barnstorm the country to aggressively sell his vision for a second term to voters — and warn of the Republican alternative.

The president made stops in Pennsylvania and Georgia last week. He’ll move on to Wisconsin and Michigan this week. Thursday’s stop will take place in Saginaw. No details of the trip have been released.

At previous events, the president has highlighted the Great Lakes Bay Region’s emerging silicon chip industry.

President Biden has nearly cemented the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump is on the verge of securing all the delegates he needs for the Republican nomination.

While the two major party candidates start gearing up their general election campaigns, Michigan Libertarians are preparing to meet in Flint Saturday to choose their delegates for their party’s national convention in May.

Andrew Chadderdon, the state party chairman, said dissatisfaction with the two likely major party presidential nominees may increase interest in whomever the Libertarian Party nominates for president.

“We’re definitely not trying to let that pass by,” said Chadderdon, “But we’re also trying to make sure that when people take a look at the Libertarian Party, we have something we can show them that will allow us to start building trust with the voters.”

Chadderdon said the state party’s focus is to get Libertarian candidates elected to local offices.

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