‘EV roadmap’ makes recommendations on supporting electric adoption in Michigan

The plan includes a variety of suggestions on how the state can accomplish its electric vehicle goals, ranging from policy to infrastructure.

FILE - Electric vehicle charging stations at a freeway rest stop.

FILE - Electric vehicle charging stations at a freeway rest stop.

Michigan aims to set up a public network of 100,000 electric vehicle charges by 2030 to support an anticipated two million EVs on local roads. Millions of dollars’ worth of investments have entered the state in recent years to support that vision.

A report put together by some of Michigan’s trade organizations offers guidance on making it a reality. The so-called “Transportation Electrification Roadmap” includes policy and spending recommendations.

Listen: Policy experts discuss Michigan’s EV roadmap

Chase Attanasio, a policy analyst at Clean Fuels Michigan, says one suggestion is to establish a clean fuel market in the state.

“We’ve seen in California, a clean fuel standard has created a market for clean fuels that surpasses $2.8 billion in the first three years of the program,” Attanasio said.

Michigan Energy Innovation Business Council Policy Principle Sophia Schuster says building out an electric vehicles network represents a chance to improve state power infrastructure as a whole.

“We have the chance to look at electric vehicles and the charging infrastructure that support them as a solution to supporting a healthier grid,” she said.

Schuster added that Michigan’s power grid currently ranks among the worst in the country when it comes to reliability.

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  • Alex McLenon is a Reporter with 101.9 WDET. McLenon is a graduate of Wayne State University, where he studied Media Arts & Production and Broadcast Journalism.