Pontiac City Council November 2 Election Candidate Guide
Get to know the candidates running for Pontiac City Council on November 2.

Voters head to the polls on November 2 to cast their votes for local leaders, ballot proposals and more.
Get to know the candidates running for local office in your community with 101.9 FM WDET’s Candidate Guides. Surveys were distributed to candidates to complete and you can see the responses for candidates for Pontiac City Council below.
See a full list of races covered here.
Related Race: Pontiac Mayor
Jump to a candidate:
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 1
Julia M. Ruffin
Candidate did not respond to survey request.

Melanie Rutherford
Age: 42
Current job: Community United Way
Education: Dillard University
About Melanie Rutherford: Melanie Rutherford is a proud Pontiac native dedicated to real change in her hometown. Growing up, she lived on every side of town. She remembers attending schools in the city, playing in the parks, and going to the community centers in the summertime. This is the experience she wanted for her daughter, Moriah, to have. Melanie’s recent appointment as Commissioner for the Pontiac Housing Commission has positioned her to engage with the community and address critical housing concerns around the city. Being elected to the Pontiac Public Library board in 2017 afforded her the opportunity to proudly serve in many roles including Secretary on the Board. Over the past four years, Melanie has consistently voted to bring community outreach programs, healthier vending machines, and sustainable funding for summer reading to the library. Melanie’s experience working for the Michigan Democratic Party in 2018, provided her with insight surrounding political elections as well as government infrastructure. All of her experiences have prepared her to serve on the Pontiac City Council for District 1.
Why are you running for Pontiac City Council? I am running for the Pontiac City Council because I believe the citizens of Pontiac need representation who understands their needs. The people of Pontiac deserve someone who will demand they be provided with services improving their quality of life such as improved housing conditions, youth services and senior services. It is time we bring the people of Pontiac and the Council together to work as one.
“I am running for the Pontiac City Council because I believe the citizens of Pontiac need representation who understands their needs. The people of Pontiac deserve someone who will demand they be provided with services improving their quality of life such as improved housing conditions, youth services and senior services.” — Melanie Rutherford
What is the most important issue facing Pontiac? The most important issue facing Pontiac right now is public safety. The city of Pontiac needs an infrastructure that will make families, especially seniors and small children, feel safe in their community.
How would you address that issue? Upon getting elected to City Council, I would spearhead conversations with the mayor about our current police protection, the possibility of better lighting and video surveillance in high crime areas, and organizing a gun giveback to get these illegal handguns out of the hands of children.
What actions/decisions by the current mayoral administration or city council have you disagreed with? Mayor Waterman has yet to open a community center for our youth. I disagree with this delay in action because it has been talked about for months and nothing has happened. Our children are now out of school with no safe place to go. I remember having a community center and I believe the youth of today deserve to have one as well.
District 2
Brett Nicholson
Age: 34
Current job: Small Business Owner (Liberty Bar) & CEO (Detroit Hiring LLC)
Education: Graduate Degree
About Brett Nicholson: Brett is a Pontiac small business owner and 8-year resident of District 2 in Pontiac. Professionally, Brett has held executive HR leadership roles with Flagstar Bank, The Community House & The Jewish Federation. Currently, Brett owns and operates a human resource consulting firm, helping organizations realize their potential through establishing strong policy and human capital management strategies, a skill that would be incredibly valuable in a largely unstaffed city hall. Most recently, Brett purchased and revitalized a Downtown Pontiac landmark that was slated to be closed; The Liberty Bar (Oakland County’s longest operating bar & restaurant). Brett confidently navigated the challenges of the global pandemic, by developing philanthropic opportunities for his patrons to purchase meals at the restaurant for first responders and displaced homeless residents of the city. Personally, you can find Brett enjoying our local eateries, volunteering on campaigns of democratic change-makers he believes in such as Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence, County Treasurer Andy Meisner and many others, singing karaoke at The Liberty Bar, at our trails and parks on his bike or walking his dog Joni around our neighborhoods. Brett has the education, experience, creativity, and demeanor that can make real, progressive change in District 2 and Pontiac.
Why are you running for Pontiac City Council? In past election cycles I have sat back and supported others that I felt had strong ideas and ethics, but they didn’t do the work to win the election. I want to be the council person that this district deserves. We need a representative on the council that will propose resolutions rather than pick fights. We need an advocate on the council that will spend time at city hall getting to know the employees needs so we can best equip them to do our work. It’s time we stop fighting, roll up our sleeves and do that work.
“We need a representative on the council that will propose resolutions rather than pick fights… It’s time we stop fighting, roll up our sleeves and do that work.” — Brett Nicholson
What is the most important issue facing Pontiac? The most important issue that faces our city today is a shortage of funds. Cuts to revenue sharing and a shrinking population mean less dollars to support our residents’ needs.
How would you address that issue? The answer to funding shortages is simple:
Economic Development: Attract more and better-paying jobs to Pontiac that are filled by Pontiac residents. For too long, Pontiac has attracted employers with the narrative that we will grant abatements and find them cheap property. This undercuts the value of our city and sends a message that we don’t have pride in Pontiac. What employers need more than anything now are skilled employees. Pontiac can be the first city to turn economic development on its head by inventorying our residents’ abilities and skills using a city-operated applicant tracking system. We can partner with local vocational programs to work with residents to input their information and use the data to market our workforce to potential employers and to design more relevant workforce development programing. We will know where we are lacking and what employers are looking for.
Increase & Protect Property Values: Economic hardships and emergency financial management saddled our neighborhoods with blight and uncaring venture capitalist owned properties that cannot be addressed effectively due to outdated and minimally constructed city codes. This is the fault of a general lack of action on the part of our city council and mayor’s office. Pontiac needs clearly defined and legally defensible municipal/zoning codes with more officers that can enforce and support residents in adhering to codes that fortify both our resident’s safety but also their property values. Higher values = increase revenue to the city that will continue to feed our ability to provide more and better services to our residents.
What actions/decisions by the current mayoral administration or city council have you disagreed with? Frankly, the City Council and Mayor’s office rarely agree on anything. When they do, the fight has been so painstaking that the decisions are a dollar short and more than a day late. It’s the issues that they are not addressing that are most pressing to me. We need a long-term plan for the maintenance of city streets and sewers. We need a long-term plan for our deteriorating senior centers and we need an agreement for ongoing youth programming that is accessible and reasonable for all our city’s children. The forementioned items are all so tenuous that a decision of any consequence cannot be reached with by current leadership.

Megan E. Shramski
Age: 58
Current job: District 2 Pontiac City Councilwoman
Education: Pontiac Central High School, Oakland Community College & Oakland University (Medical Technology Curriculum)
“I would like to continue the progress I have made in the district, and implement plans that are beneficial to the residents, and our neighborhoods.” — Megan Shramski
What is the most important issue facing Pontiac? I am hard-pressed to choose only one. Blight, public safety, infrastructure improvements, and revitalization are all issues that require close attention.
How would you address that issue? I do feel that in order to address these issues there is one action that will aid in all of these issues, and that is growing the tax base. The city needs more homeownership, and business development, and encouragement of the same. Without a growing tax base many of the city’s woes cannot be adequately addressed. New developments should be beneficial to our existing residents, in terms of jobs, services, and much-needed tax revenue.
What actions/decisions by the current mayoral administration or city council have you disagreed with? I am presently a member of the City Council, so my viewpoint will differ from non-incumbents. I feel my colleagues, and I have made the best decisions we could, for the most part, with the information we have been presented by the administration. A lack of communication, and exchange of information exists between the present Mayor and Council. I do my best to reach out to Department Heads, and pursue my own research of issues before us. I am ever hopeful of an improvement in communication, and collaboration between future administrations and Councilmembers.
District 3

Mikal Goodman
Age: 21
Current job: Paraprofessional at Arts and Technology Academy of Pontiac
Education: Associates Degree from Oakland Community College
About Mikal: I am a lifelong Pontiac resident who has spent the last five years as a political activist and community advocate for the Black and Brown communities all across the country.
I believe in the fight for equity and equality for all people, focusing on workers’ rights, healthcare, environmental justice, and racial justice. This led me to work on different campaigns and volunteer with different organizations that help this mission move forward. I am the current Vice-Chair for the Young Democrats of Michigan, a Committee Chair for the Oakland County Democratic Party. I also participate in many other organizations to make sure communities like ours are heard by those in power.
Why are you running for Pontiac City Council? Having lived in Pontiac my whole life, I have experienced and witnessed the neglect our City has had to suffer with. I believe that our City government can be a lot more effective than it has been. This requires people who are willing to do the work to have a seat on the Council. This also requires people who represent the people of Pontiac to uplift the voices and concerns of our residents. Our residents feel ignored and I want to show them that someone cares and will work for them.
“I believe that our City government can be a lot more effective than it has been. This requires people who are willing to do the work to have a seat on the Council. This also requires people who represent the people of Pontiac to uplift the voices and concerns of our residents.” — Mikal Goodman
What is the most important issue facing Pontiac? In general, the quality of life for our residents is the most important concern we should have. More specifically, I believe a huge first step to addressing this larger issue is to focus on the housing options in the city. The need for secure, affordable, and well-maintained housing is a basic human right. If our residents do not have a safe and reliable place to live, many other improvements to our City won’t have the impact we want.
How would you address that issue? The first step is to get a handle on the housing developments that are the most neglected. This means meeting with residents, hearing their concerns, and working on a plan to address the worst issues first. We also need to do a better job at holding slumlords accountable for their actions and how they are harming residents, which would include updating and creating the relevant ordinances. By taking this route, we can provide stronger protections for city tenants by establishing the right to legal counsel and a tenants rights ordinance that will protect all city renters.
What actions/decisions by the current mayoral administration or city council have you disagreed with? The most disappointing, and most recent, decision made by the City has to be the handling of the Phoenix Center. I believe that this deal was reached simply to end the lawsuit without considering the future impact on Pontiac residents. The future of the Phoenix Center and the ramifications of this decision will have long-lasting effects on our community and now the City Council will have much less say in how this significant landmark will be maintained and utilized.
Mary Pietila
Candidate did not respond to survey request. View campaign website.
District 4
Randy Carter
Candidate did not respond to survey request. View campaign website.

Kathalee W. James
Age: 74
Current job: Retired Senior Quality Engineer, currently serving as Founder and President of Friends of the Pontiac Parks Association, a community-based organization.
Education: Graduate of Oakland University, Rochester Michigan
About Kathalee James: I am Kathalee James, a graduate of Oakland University. I have a passion for Pontiac and a long commitment to social justice and racial equity that goes back to her involvement as a young adult activist.
I was employed by General Motors for 31 years as a production supervisor and Senior Quality engineer. I am a former secretary of the Pontiac Historic District Commission. I have served as Pastoral Assistant to Dr. Matthew Moses Scott of Eastside Church of God for 20 years during which time she has met and worked with many Pontiac families. I am the Founder and President of Friends of the Pontiac Parks Association where I continue to advocate for cleaner, safer, and better-maintained parks for Pontiac residents to enjoy. I want to bring this same energy and commitment to the Pontiac City Council.
Why are you running for Pontiac City Council? I am running for the Pontiac City Council, not because I have a sudden interest in politics, but because I believe with all my heart that it is time for a change in the way we allow our city to be governed. I am running because I believe we need new leadership in the City of Pontiac, committed to the principles of working together! I am running because I believe it is time for us to move forward. We need a council representative who will work collaboratively with the administration to communicate the needs of our district and to bring the resources of the city to our residential neighborhoods and business districts. I am ready to encourage, inform and inspire a new generation of neighborhood leaders in District 4.
“We need a council representative who will work collaboratively with the administration to communicate the needs of our district and to bring the resources of the city to our residential neighborhoods and business districts.” — Kathalee James
What is the most important issue facing Pontiac? The biggest issue facing Pontiac is the need to bring our city government together and to earn the respect of our residents again. Our challenge is to come together and work as one body of government: the mayoral office and city council together. I think Pontiac residents are tired of two separate camps of governance. I believe it has held our community back. As we come out of this unprecedented pandemic, we must work together to help our city and its people recover and move forward. We must meet the challenge of the lack of trust, and poor perception of our residents towards their city government by exceeding all expectations of service. We can accomplish this by electing individuals with a strong commitment to work together.
How would you address that issue? We can accomplish this by electing individuals with a strong commitment to work together. Require off-site basic training seminars for city council and mayor to review city charter, master plans, budgets, and city ordinances. This should put everyone on the same page and improve effective communications.
What actions/decisions by the current mayoral administration or city council have you disagreed with? I disagreed with their division and lack of cooperation to solve problems collectively.
District 5
Gloria Miller
Candidate did not respond to survey request. View campaign website.

William Parker, Jr.
Age: 63
Current job: Senior Pastor – New Springfield Missionary Baptist Church
Education: Business Management, Associate’s- USAF; Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree, Biblical Studies/Theology, – Destiny Christian University
About William Parker: I am a man of God, a decorated veteran, senior citizen, father to three children and father figure to many others within the community. A community leader. I have a strong commitment to serve my community. I see the needs of the citizens of Pontiac and have been working diligently to help meet those needs. We have been providing food for the community, through our Church Food Bank, for over 15 years. I personally worked with the schools handing out food during the pandemic and have opened a food bank to meet one of those needs, in addition to going out into the community and serving when/how it’s needed.
Why are you running for Pontiac City Council? I feel I could foster integrity, honesty and open communication among my peers and the Mayor’s office to better serve the overall community of Pontiac.
What is the most important issue facing Pontiac? Lack of trust, belief and respect of city leadership. All other issues are intertwined with this issue to some extent.
How would you address that issue? By being a person of integrity; respect those who are in leadership and deliver on the promises made to the community.
What actions/decisions by the current mayoral administration or city council have you disagreed with? I believe the whole issue surrounding the repair/renovation and/or purchase of the Phoenix Center/Ottowa Towers complex has been a long-standing thorn in the side of the citizens of Pontiac that even as of today lack resolution.
District 6
Doris Taylor Burks
Candidate did not respond to survey request.

William Carrington
Age: 55
Current job: Data and Quality Manager, Wayne State University-School of Medicine, Adjunct Professor Henry Ford College and Oakland Community College
Education: BA in Business Administration-Spring Arbor University, Master’s in Public Administration-University of Michigan-Flint, Master’s in Sociology-Wayne State University
About William Carrington: My educational journey consists of MA degrees in Sociology and Public Administration, and a BA degree in Business Administration. I have a diverse career background; currently working for WSU-School of Medicine, Adjunct Professor at Oakland Community College and Henry Ford College. Currently, in my second term on the Pontiac School Board. I have led many committees in my school board tenure that required me to understand financial budgets, governance and policies, department evaluations and performance objectives, as well as engaging with community stakeholders to make tough decisions.
My passion for my community is demonstrated by my community service. Currently, I serve as President of WeCare Neighborhood Association, Chairperson, WeCare Movement Ballot Committee, Treasurer for the Pontiac Panthers Youth football and cheer organization and Treasurer of the Life Beyond Retry (LBR). Also, I served on the Pontiac Zoning Board of Appeals previously.
Why are you running for Pontiac City Council? My workplace and community experiences have provided me with the expertise to manage financial budgets, to gain support for adopting policies and ordinances, and engage community stakeholders.
I’m running for council this year to do more to help my district and city come together as a community. I also believe there is a strong disconnect between the city council and community members. I would like to see some positive change and collaboration; we can accomplish so much more in the 6th district if we can work together and form positive relationships.
What is the most important issue facing Pontiac? Lack of Economic Development in the 6th district of the city of Pontiac.
How would you address that issue? First, create a positive environment where the business community and citizens can come together to discuss concerns related to the district and city. Second, ensure that my constituents are informed of the pros/cons of any economic development project in the district.
What actions/decisions by the current mayoral administration or city council have you disagreed with? The lack of transparency in the city and the excessive hiring of unqualified candidates to executive-controlled offices.
District 7
Perry Earl, Jr.
Candidate did not respond to survey request.
Michael McGuinness
Candidate did not respond to survey request. View campaign website.
Prince Miles El
About Prince MIles El:
Divine Minister/Gs MSTA INC. #13
Former Candidate/Pontiac School Board 2014
Former member/Community Leadership Coalition (CLC)
Former original member/Oakland County Sheriff Relations Team (SRT)
Former member/Greater Pontiac Coalition Committee of 50.
Former member/Oakland County Employment & Inclusion Diversity Council (OCEDC)
Former member/Healthy Pontiac Coalition
Former member/OLSHA Policy Council
Former Community Outreach Director/Head Coach for Sky’s the Limit Elite (travel basketball program)
Why are you running for Pontiac City Council? I will discharge my constitutional and fiduciary duty pursuant to the City’s Charter. My commitment to work (in harmony) with my colleagues, citizens, and the incoming administration to foster a balance budget, improve the City’s infrastructure, and secure the increase in revenues over expenditures to support a viable and sustainable economy. Together, we are going to build stronger Pontiac families.
Together, we will implement Pontiac’s Community Economic Development & Recovery Agenda
Together, we are going to improve the “Quality of Life” via the Redevelopment of our Parks including but not limited to the development of a 21st Century Recreation center hosted in District 7.
Operation Peace Initiative (OPI) is a coalition of public/private sector leaders and residents to secure and increase in public safety inclusive of the public health and mental wellness.
Denisha Williams
Candidate did not respond to survey request. View campaign website.
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