State Lawmakers Send Whitmer Budgets. She Calls Them “A Mess.”

Michigan Public Radio’s Cheyna Roth joins Detroit Today with Stephen Henderson to give an update on the budget chaos in Lansing.

Michigan State Capitol

Michigan State Capitol building.


Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says the budgets on their way to her desk are “a mess.”

The state Legislature voted out the rest of the state budgets Tuesday. It passed the School Aid budget last week, though Whitmer has said she hasn’t received it yet. It can take several days for the clerk’s office to proofread and prepare bills for the governor.

The budget does not have a long-term road funding plan like Whitmer originally wanted.

Click on the player above to hear Michigan Public Radio Network State Capitol Correspondent Cheyna Roth talk about the budget situation with Stephen Henderson.

Several weeks ago she agreed with Republicans that it was okay to pass the budget, and then tackle a road funding plan later on.  

Republicans decided they wanted to put some money towards roads. The transportation budget includes $400 million in one-time money for roads and bridges. Whitmer says this doesn’t go far enough to fix the roads.

“Republicans are playing more shell games with the state budget so they can buy a phony talking point that they’re spending ‘record money’ on roads,” Whitmer said in a statement.

Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield (R-Levering) said there can be an ongoing conversations about roads.

“It’s our responsibility to pass a responsible budget and get it to the governor’s desk,” he told reporters after the House finished voting. “That is what we have done today. She has the obligation to sign whatever she believes is responsible and we’ll take it one step at a time from there.”

RELATED: Lansing School Funding Deal Could Spell Trouble for Gov. Whitmer

A big disagreement among Republicans and Democrats is whether the term “record funding” means anything. Republicans touted bills that they say put record amounts of money toward roads and education. But Democrats say the state wasn’t spending that much before, so the so-called “record” doesn’t mean anything.

“Let’s be very clear. Record funding is just another gimmick,” said Sen. Curtis Hertel (D-East Lansing) during his “no vote explanation” on why he voted against the transportation budget. “We had record funding in 2016, and then in 2017. Do we make progress fixing the roads? The answer’s no.”

The higher education budget would increase by less than one percent if signed by Whitmer, that’s less than what she had previously proposed. Democrats and some Republicans are not happy with slight increase.

Sen. Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing) called the budget a “failure”, saying in a floor speech, “Our students deserve better and we are capable of doing better in this budget.”

Supporters of the current proposed increase in the higher education budget said colleges and universities are doing well, and the state needs to keep a balanced budget.

It’s unclear at this point what, if anything Whitmer will veto. The budget deadline is midnight on September 30th.

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  • Dynamic and diverse voices. News, politics, community and the issues that define our region. Hosted by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Stephen Henderson, Detroit Today brings you fresh and perceptive views weekdays at 9 am and 7 pm.
  • Cheyna Roth is the co-host and creator of WDET's state politics podcast, MichMash. She has been an audio journalist for almost a decade, covering major events like presidential elections, college scandals, the Michigan Legislature and more, appearing on NPR and across Michigan public radio stations. Cheyna is also a senior producer and podcast host for, having produced and hosted shows like Political Gabfest, The Waves, and What Next TBD. Also an author, Cheyna has written two true crime books and her written work has appeared in Broadly, Slate, and MLive, among others.