Detroit Election Results
Check in here for the latest results in the Detroit mayor, city clerk and city council races.

An aerial view of downtown Detroit.
Source: City of Detroit
An Initiative To Enact A Medical Marijuana Facilities Ordinance: This proposed ordinance would amend Chapter 24, Article XIII, of the 1984 Detroit City Code, Medical Marihuana Caregiver Centers, to opt into the Michigan Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act, Public Act 281 of 2016, to provide for standards and procedures to license and regulate medical marihuana facilities through the Buildings, Safety Engineering, and Environmental Department and to impose conditions for operation and locational specifications for schools, public libraries, religious institutions, and other medical marihuana facilities.
A Proposal To Amend The Detroit Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 61 Of The Detroit City Code, Consistent With The Michigan Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act: The proposal would amend the Detroit Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 61 of the 1984 Detroit City Code, Article III, Division 12, Sections 61-3-351 through 61-3-354, to establish land use standards and procedures for the regulation of medical marihuana facilities consistent with the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act, 2016 PA 281, to provide definitions, to designate medical marihuana facilities, including growers, processors, provisioning centers, safety compliance facilities, and secure transporters, as permitted uses subject to site plan approval and use regulations in specified zoning districts, to require compliance with zoning district standards, and to authorize fees to the City.