Duggan Money October 2017

With just over a week until Election Day, campaign finance reports reveal huge disparity between the mayoral candidates. Here are five observations from the data in the reports:

1 – Exponential Differences

Mayor Mike Duggan, who never stopped raising money after he was elected four years ago, has raised nearly 40 times what challenger state Sen. Coleman Young II has in their respective campaigns just this year, according to records in the Wayne County Campaign Finance Information System.

Overall Contributions to Candidate Committees,

Jan. 1 to Oct. 22, 2017

  Duggan Young

Total Contributions



No. of Individual Contributions

2,810 207

Total Amount of Individual Contributions



No. of Political Action Committee Contributions

 88 3

Total Amount of Political Action Committee Contributions

$283,482 $750

2 – City AND Suburbs

The map below shows the primary addresses the contributors gave when donating to Duggan, and it tells a story of regional support for the mayor.

WDET wanted to divide the donations between city and suburbs but it’s nearly impossible to do for a few reasons. First, some donors list their home address as the primary address while some use their office. Second, Duggan has donors who live in the suburbs and work in the city as well as donors who live (and presumably vote) in Detroit but work outside of the city — so how do you classify all of those?

Click on the municipality to see how much money was donated to Duggan from people who listed a primary address in that location:

Click on the municipality to see how much money was donated to Duggan from people who listed a primary address in that location:


3 – The PAC Presence

Duggan has a wide swath of the region’s industries offering financial support to his campaign. Here are the 10 highest political action committee (PAC) donors in dollar amounts in 2017 to Duggan’s candidate committee.:

Source: Wayne County Campaign Finance Information System
Donor Amount
Michigan Laborers‘ Political League PAC


Blue Cross Blue Shield PAC

Detroit Regional Chamber PAC

Miller Canfield PAC

Detroit Auto Dealers Association PAC

Schostak Family PAC

Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters

Honigman, Miller, Schwartz & Cohn Campaign Committee $11,266
Flagstar Michigan PAC


4 – The Turnaround PAC

This Super PAC spent more than $3 million in ads for Duggan during his 2013 campaign. In 2017, 22 donors gave to the Turnaround fund between June 6 and Oct. 12. Here they are:

Donor  Amount 
Roger Penske, Penske Corp.  $      250,000
Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters  $      150,000
Powering the Economy (Detroit Regional Chamber PAC)  $      125,000
Central Transport LLC (Moroun family)  $      100,000
Richard Manoogian  $         50,000
Weber Development  $         40,000
Soave Enterprises  $         25,000
Caidan Management Co.  $         25,000
Edw. C. Levy  $         15,000
Avinash Rachmale, CEO off Lakeshore Global  $         15,000
William Young, CEO of Plastipak Packaging  $         10,000
Matthew Simoncini, Lear Corp.  $         10,000
Fritz Enterprises  $         10,000
Huron Valley Steel Corp.  $         10,000
Data Consulting Group  $         10,000
John Boll, Sr.  $           5,000
Eugene Gargaro, Manoogian Foundataion  $           5,000
Ben Maibach, Barton Malow  $           4,000
Anthony Stephens  $           2,000
Vernoica Murff, State Farm  $           2,000
Thomas Mackey  $           1,000
Whitman Consulting LLC  $              500
TOTAL:  $      864,500

5 – A Few Other Observations

  • By March 3, Duggan had raised as much as Young had through Oct. 22, the reporting deadline for this round of reports. 
  • About 13 percent of Duggan’s money comes from a donor listing “Detroit” as a primary address. that compares to 55 percent of Young’s money.
  • Young’s total money raised is less than 3 percent of Duggan’s. 


  • Recovering Bankruptcy Reporter/Blogger looking forward to chronicling regional revitalization on-air, digitally and through community engagement.