Automated Cars Legislation On Its Way to Gov. Snyder’s Desk
The bi-partisan legislation allows self-driving cars on public roads without a human in the car ready to take over.

Research and testing of self-driving cars in Michigan are seeing a boost. A package of bills that furthers testing of automated cars is on its way to Gov. Rick Snyder’s desk.
The bi-partisan legislation allows self-driving cars on public roads without a human in the car ready to take over.
Rep. Phil Phelps (D-Flushing) is the top Democrat on the House committee that recommended the bills be adopted. He said this is a step toward making Michigan a top state for autonomous vehicles.
“The importance here lies in investment in the state and especially when it comes to potential job creation,” he said. “So we want Michigan to be a leader, especially when it comes to anything vehicle related.”
Charley Ballard, who literally wrote the book on Michigan’s economy, said, “I do believe that the companies like General Motor and Ford will have a very important role to play and a lot of their research and production operations are here in Michigan.”
Given Snyder’s recent branding campaign – called Planet M – that promotes Michigan as a world center for innovative transportation and mobility research, he is likely to sign the legislation.