DPS Closes Most Schools Again Tuesday

Union tells teachers not to report for second straight day.

Detroit Public Schools

The Detroit Public Schools have closed more buildings again Tuesday as teachers protest pay and work conditions. Here is the list so far:

NOTE: DPS staff should refer to district’s inclement weather policy at the Detroit Public Schools web site to determine whether they should report Tuesday.

  1. Academy of Americas
  2. Ann Arbor Trail
  3. Bagley
  4. Bates
  5. Bennett
  6. Blackwell
  7. Bow
  8. Brewer
  9. Ronald Brown
  10. Bunche
  11. Burton International
  12. Carleton
  13. Benjamin Carson
  14. Carstens
  15. Carver
  16. Cass Tech
  17. Charles Drew Transition Center
  18. Chrysler
  19. Clark
  20. Roberto Clemente
  21. Clippert
  22. Cody: APL
  23. Cody: DIT
  24. Cody: MCH
  25. Coleman Young
  26. Communication Media & Arts
  27. Cooke
  28. Crockett CTC
  29. Davis Aerospace
  30. Davison
  31. Detroit Collegiate Prep
  32. Detroit International Academy
  33. Detroit Lions
  34. Detroit School of Arts
  35. Dixon
  36. Dossin
  37. East English Village
  38. Edison
  39. Fleming Early Childhood
  40. FLICS
  41. Frederick Douglass
  42. Durfee
  43. Earhart
  44. Duke Ellington
  45. Emerson
  46. Moses Field
  47. Fisher Lower
  48. Fisher Upper
  49. Gardner
  50. Marcus Garvey
  51. Golightly CTC
  52. Golightly Education Center
  53. Gompers
  54. Greenfield Union
  55. Harms
  56. A.L. Holmes
  57. Henderson
  58. Hutchinson
  59. Jerry L. White
  60. Keidan
  61. J.R. King
  62. Ludington
  63. Mackenzie
  64. Mann
  65. Mark Twain
  66. Marquette
  67. Thurgood Marshall
  68. Martin Luther King High School
  69. Mason
  70. Maybury 
  71. Munger
  72. Neinas
  73. Nichols
  74. Noble
  75. Osborn Evergreen
  76. Osborn MST
  77. Osborn Prep
  78. Palmer Park
  79. Pasteur
  80. Priest
  81. Pulaski
  82. Randolph High/CTC
  83. Renaissance
  84. Robeson/Malcolm X
  85. Sampson
  86. Schulze
  87. Spain
  88. Thirkell
  89. Turning Point Academy
  90. Vernor
  91. Wayne
  92. West Side Academy
  93. Western International
  94. Charles Wright Academy


  • Pat Batcheller is a host and Senior News Editor for 101.9 WDET, presenting local news, traffic and weather updates during Morning Edition. He is an amateur musician.