Anti-Revenge Porn Legislation Makes Way to Governor’s Desk
The bipartisan effort would prohibit the unwanted distribution of sexually explicit photos and videos of another person.

A pair of bills that would criminalize revenge porn is on its way to Governor Rick Snyder’s desk. Under the legislation, posting or sharing sexually explicit content of someone without his or her consent would be illegal. First time offenders could serve up to three months in prison, pay up to $500, or both for disseminating revenge porn. State Senator Steven Bieda is one of the bills’ sponsors. He says technology allows pictures and videos to be taken and shared instantaneously, which leads to a new set of problems.
“There’s a lot of people who may have innocently within the context of a romantic relationship shared some photos and the relationship ended badly and those pictures start getting circulated to people that were never meant to be seen.”
State Senator Steven Bieda
Bieda says the bills were co-sponsored by Republicans and Democrats in the State Senate. The legislation passed both houses unanimously. He says the revenge porn bills are expected to be signed into law within the next week.