Senator Gary Peters Says Hillary Clinton is the Best Choice for President
Senator Peters hits the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton in Michigan.

On Detroit Today, we’ve heard from supporters from most of the major Republican and Democratic candidates. Today host Stephen Henderson talks to Hillary Clinton advocate Senator Gary Peters (D-MI).
Peters thinks Clinton is the most qualified candidate, especially when it comes to foreign policy. He cites her experience as Secretary of State as proof that “she can get things done.” Henderson pressed Peters on voters concerns about growing income inequality and Peters conceded that while the statistics show growing income inequality, Washington needs “to be focused on the aspirations of everyday Americans,” and be “much, much, tougher when it comes to trade policy.”
Callers expressed concerns on the authenticity of Clinton’s calls for campaign finance reform. Peters believes she can play by the existing rules and still advocate for change. He stated that campaign finance reform won’t happen until the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court changes. He then added, “We got to have a Supreme Court that returns the power back to the people.”