U of M-Flint to Offer Free One-Credit Class on Flint Water Crisis
The University of Michigan-Flint is offering a free class on that city’s water crisis.

Residents can learn more about the Flint water crisis and what exactly happened through a free class at the University of Michigan-Flint.
The class will feature a panel of experts on the issue to discuss what residents need to know most about staying safe and how the water crisis affects them. Doctor Suzanne Selig is the Director of Public Health and Health Sciences at the U of M Flint. She says the wide variety of panelists will be able to address any questions residents may have about water.
“So people who can look at the water chemistry and help all of us understand better what that means,” Selig says. “And what do we mean when we say clean drinking water? And what chemicals are routinely added? And what are the impacts of those chemicals on our body systems?”
Selig says the one-credit class will also be offered to enrolled students. The class begins January 21st.