Trump, Obama and Muslims in America
Trump calls for the U.S. to close borders to Muslims, Detroit Today examines the implications of that move

The civil wars in Syria and Iraq have been brewing for several years now, displacing millions of people who would like to live in peace. Tension and violence in the Middle East – partly at the hands of the United States and European militaries – have also invigorated extremist groups such as ISIS and al-Qaeda. The U.S. government has always stressed that the greatest terrorist threats on American soil are homegrown. And while we’ve seen acts of terrorism from murderers of every race and color, there is a pervasive fear that Muslims, specifically, pose a more significant threat. It’s a belief that has been debunked on numerous occasions. But that fear also encourages politicians – such as Donald Trump – to make inflammatory statements that are reminiscent of language used to justify internment camps during World War II. But there are other fears and concerns that are important to discuss those of Muslim Americans. On Detroit Today, we examine how are these populations are feeling about the political rhetoric surrounding their communities. We also look at the constitutionality of Trump’s calls for closing the border and what this does for his ongoing presidential campaign.
- Bob Sedler – Constitutional Law expert and professor, Wayne State University
- Imam Mohammed Elahi – Head of the Islamic House of Wisdom, co-chair of Imams Council of the Michigan Muslim Community Council
- Tim Alberta – Chief Political Correspondent, National Review