United Way of Genesee County and Others Donate Funds for Filters in Flint
The United Way of Genesee County donated $25,000 for filters for Flint residents.

The United Way of Genesee County is partnering with the county’s health department to distribute water filters to Flint residents. Recent studies have shown high levels of lead in the city’s drinking water and in children’s bloodstreams.
United Way CEO Jamie Gaskin says the organization is also working to help the get the message out about the city’s water crisis.
“The data that the physicians have provided and the data that the state has can be quite confusing,” Gaskin says. “We’re really part of that advocacy group with the Genesee County health coalition, to say ‘Hey! This is a serious problem we really need to look at this and what it means for our children and families in the community.'”
Gaskin says the organization worked with Home Depot to get the water filters at a discounted rate of $20 each. United Way of Genesee County donated $25,000 toward the purchase of the filters.