GM, DTE Energy and Others Coming Together to Promote Clean Fuel

About 30 companies are joining forces to advocate for clean fuel policies in Michigan.

Gas Pump

Close to 30 Michigan companies are coming together to grow the state’s clean fuel industry. DTE Energy, General Motors Consumers Energy and other businesses have agreed to advocate for increased jobs, investment and technology development in the industry. Coalition spokesperson Andrea Cascarilla says Michigan ranks 41st in the country for number of clean fuel vehicles on the road.

“We’re the auto capital of the world, and there’s a huge opportunity for economic development and sustainability for the state to move in that direction. We have the talent pool here and the, you know, there’s a great deal of interest, and we see from those states that really focus on a policy that there’s a lot of growth in that area.”

-Andrea Cascarilla, Clean Fuel Michigan

Cascarilla says the organization is not backing any specific clean fuel, but will promote all technologies. She says the aim is to advance state incentives and policy to generate more industry activity.
