Fall TV Preview

Stephen Henderson and the Freeps Julie Hinds, talk pop culture and the Fall TV lineup.

Jim Henson statue

Stephen Henderson talks with Detroit Free Press pop culture writer Julie Hinds about what’s in store for the Fall TV season.


The Muppets: The classic Jim Henson creation the Muppets are back on TV, and updated for current times. “They honor the old Muppets, but also keep that edge going in a more modern sense,” Henderson says.


Time-shifting: Many viewers are increasingly delaying the times that they watch their favorite shows to many hours or days after their original airing. Some viewers aren’t even watching their shows on TV, but streaming them online.


Men: The late-night lineup, while changing, is still dominated by men. The lone standout, Hinds says is former “Daily Show” correspondent Samantha Bee, with a new show airing on TBS.


To hear more of the conversation, click the link above.
