Career Advancement for Millenials

How can millennials improve their career prospects in today’s job market?


Stephen talks with Lee Meadows, author of “Your Executive Coach: A Guide to Successful Careers” about job prospects for millennials.


Portfolio: What was once a “Career Ladder”, growing from the bottom of a company to the top, is now a “Career Portfolio,” a packaging of personal skills. “It really is about how you package your skills, and your knowledge, and your background, and how you put all that together,” Meadows says.


Communication: Communication is a key skill companies look for when hiring. Meadows says, “The thing that they value most from employees is that ability to communicate one-on-one…that eyeball-to-eyeball contact.”


Millenials: Millennials aren’t into the idea of “being miserable for a while” at an entry-level, nine-to-five job; they prefer to switch jobs fast. “To move to a new job every year, at a certain point in time it sends a message to an employer [that they can’t keep a job],” Meadows says. If millennials spend some time with an employer, this changes. “Maybe I can do two-and-a-half years here, I can do three years there, well that seems a little more thoughtful to HR folks and managers when they try to make hiring decisions.”


To hear more of their conversation, click the link above.
