SEMCOG to Host Public Meetings Aimed at Improving the Economy
SEMCOG to meet with the public to discuss boosting the economy.

The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments is asking residents what steps the region should take to improve the economy. The council is visiting each county in the region as part of its Regional Development Economic Strategy.
SEMCOG Executive Director Kathleen Lomako says the tactic provides the framework to build upon the economy.
“We know that no one individual or organization is in charge of the economy,” Lomako says. a’But we also know that we need to work as a region need to work together and pursue strategies together so that we can be as prosperous as possible.”
Lomako says SEMCOG is looking at ways to improve community assets, the business climate, and the workforce. A meeting will be held next week in Livingston County.
Visit SEMCOG’s website for more information.