GOP Presidential Contender Kasich Says U.S. Must Not ‘Lead from Behind’ on Security
GOP Presidential hopeful Gov. John Kasich says the U.S. needs to take a more forceful stand in foreign policy matters.

Republican presidential candidate John Kasich says the U.S. must do more internationally to safeguard the nation’s security.
Kasich spoke during a forum at Lawrence Technological University in Southfield.
Organizers say the forum, one in a series held by the group Americans for Peace, Prosperity and Security, is an attempt to inject national security issues into the race for the White House.
Ohio Governor and GOP presidential candidate John Kasich says the Obama Administration is “leading from behind” when it comes to dealing with international threats. He says that’s particularly true in regards to the recent deal with Iran to ostensibly limit its ability to pursue nuclear weapons.
Kasich said, “We were in search of an agreement no matter what it took. What it does is it restores strength in the Iranian economy which gives them the resources to support the very groups that we may end up fighting someday. And some of the groups that have already fought us (like) Hezbollah.”
Kasich also says the GOP can expand its base if it addresses the concerns of minority voters.
Many of the Republican presidential hopefuls say the GOP must become more of a big tent party.
Kasich maintains the GOP can attract people who typically vote for Democrats if Republicans make the case for how conservative economic principals can help better the lives of all segments of society.
“We have to make sure though that when we reach out to the minority community that we have something to offer them,” Kasich said. “You know in Ohio I was able to get 26 percent of the African American vote, which is a good start. We’ve been engaged in making sure that no one is left behind in the state of Ohio and that includes our friends in the minority community.”
Kasich is also scheduled to speak in Lansing.
He will be among a half-dozen GOP presidential candidates attending the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference next month.