Get to Know Grosse Pointe’s Superintendent Gary Niehaus
Find out what’s going on in Grosse Pointe’s school districts this year.

Grosse Pointe Superintendent Gary Niehaus speaks on Detroit Today with Stephen Henderson, about what’s happening in the Grosse Pointe Schools and what parents and students can look forward to in the fall:
- Plans for improvement: Superintendent Niehaus says schools are facing financial challenges due to low enrollment and legacy issues. He says that in order to fix these problems, Grosse Pointe is creating Pre-kindergarten and daycare programs and working with the Detroit Regional Chamber to reach out and draw young families to Grosse Pointe.
- Curriculum & Common Core: Stephen asks how Grosse Pointe will handle state Common Core requirements. Niehaus believes that Grosse Pointe is already performing above its standards and notes that kids are learning even more in extracurricular activities and that their school curriculum is directed towards college-bound students.
- What would make things easier in Grosse Pointe: Niehaus says that if education systems were able to adopt a certificate program, students wouldn’t be repeatedly taught things they’ve already learned and would enter the workforce effectively. The certificate program would allow students to opt out of certain classes in college because they’ve already been taught that material and certified while they were in high school.
Click on the audio link above to hear the full story.