Red Cross Issues Urgent Call for Blood Donations in Metro Detroit
American Red Cross is issuing an urgent call for type A-negative, B-negative, and O-negative blood donations.

The American Red Cross of Southeastern Michigan is facing a shortage of some blood types. The supply for A-negative, B-negative, and O-negative are running thin.
The organization put out an urgent call for donations in Metro Detroit. Spokesperson Angie Bermudez says they are also asking for double red cell donations.
“Which is actually a blood donation but it’s a different process,” Bermudez says. “It’s when donors are giving two units of blood cells at one time as opposed to one, and it’s through an automated process. It’s similar to our platelet donations.”
Bermudez says the Red Cross needs to collect about 800 blood donations a day to meet the local demand. She says there is a current supply of blood on hand, however, the call will help prevent a serious emergency shortage.
To find out more on how to donate blood visit the American Red Cross website.