State Rep Proposes Citizens Draw Political Lines
Michigan Representative Jon Hoadley is calling for a citizen-led redistricting commission to draw political boundaries.

State Representative Jon Hoadley is re-introducing a bill that calls for a citizen-led commission to draw political boundaries in Michigan. Hoadley’s proposal would change the current method of having state lawmakers draw legislative districts.
Hoadley says the goal is to remove gerrymandering from the redistricting process.
It’s important that the people, who will benefit from the lines being drawn, aren’t the same people drawing the lines. Very simply we say voters should pick their politicians, not politicians picking which voters they want in their district. The problem with the legislature drawing the lines is that’s exactly what happens.
– State Rep. Jon Hoadley, (D-Kalamazoo)
The proposed commission would consist of 14 members: five Democratic, five Republicans, and four independents. Hoadley says such an independent commission would create boundaries that accurately represent the demographics of people living in the districts.