Trump, Carson to Woo Black Voters in Detroit
Donald Trump will visit Detroit next month alongside former GOP rival Ben Carson as part of outreach to black voters.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is reportedly planning a campaign stop in Detroit as part of his new outreach to the African American community.
“What the hell have you got to lose?”
That was Trump’s message to African Americans attending a recent rally in Lansing, arguing they should turn to him because Democratic polices had mired blacks in high levels of poverty and unemployment.
Now campaign advisors say the GOP presidential nominee will bring that message next month to the overwhelmingly African American population of Detroit.
Trump will be joined by former primary rival and native Detroiter Dr. Ben Carson, who is African American and says the GOP must reach out to the black community if it hopes to survive.
African Americans typically vote for Democrats nationwide and recent surveys show Trump remains very unpopular in the black community.