Morning Edition

Morning Edition
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Hosted by 
Pat Batcheller

Tune In
Mon – Fri, 5:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

NPR’s morning news magazine.

Morning Edition prepares you for the day ahead with up-to-the-minute news, background analysis, commentary, and coverage of arts and sports. You’ll hear reporting from correspondents around the world, and producers and reporters across the U.S. including your WDET team.

Wake up with your WDET Host Pat Batcheller here in Detroit, NPR’s Steve Inskeep in Washington, D.C., and NPR’s Renee Montagne at NPR West in Culver City, CA. We’ll be there during your morning commute with traffic, weather, and the most relevant stories from Detroit and around the world.

Follow WDET’sPat Batcheller on Twitter.


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