WDET Broadcast Partners Program

A photo of a microphone inside the WDET studios.
A photo of a microphone inside the WDET studios.

WDET is the authentic voice of Detroit. As a community service of Wayne State University, we serve an engaged, diverse and curious audience through trusted unbiased news, inclusive conversations and cultural experiences that celebrate Detroit and empower our community to move forward.

While more than 50% of WDET support is generated by listeners through donations, the station still needs to raise more than $2.5 million each year to maintain its quality programming. We are seeking the support of our local business community to serve as Broadcast Partners and to demonstrate their community support of public media by making an annual donation to Detroit’s NPR station.

More large businesses are realizing that today’s workforce, consumers and investors are basing decisions on corporate purpose commitments and actions. An effective way for businesses to inform the public of their commitment to the community is to support public broadcasting. More than 70% of public radio listeners have a more positive opinion about a company after hearing that they support public media.

With over 150,000 listeners each week, WDET offers its Broadcast Partners a significant opportunity to positively influence public opinion.


Become a WDET Broadcast Partner

  • Make a $10,000 gift to support general operations. Inaugural cohort to maintain $10,000 rate in perpetuity — should they choose to renew their partnership each consecutive year. Subsequent cohorts will be $12,000 and will increase annually.
  • Sample on air mentions “WDET thanks its broadcast partner ABC Company for its support of public media and our local programming.” Mentions will occur 3x weekly in prime broadcast times for a year.
  • Inaugural Cohort will be announced during the WDET Spring or Fall Fundraiser, whichever is closest.
  • Logo and hyperlink on the Broadcast Partners page at wdet.org/partners.
  • Broadcast Partners will be invited to WDET events throughout the year to directly engage with the WDET community. At some events, this could take the form of information tables, product demos or samples.

The Halo Effect | The unique value of sponsorship

Less is more. WDET’s clutter-free environment and public broadcasting format means there is virtually no tune-out during sponsorship messages. That means your message stands out and resonates, resulting in increased awareness and action.

WDET’s audience is loyal and members donate more than $2.6 million annually to support programming that they can hear for free. As a result, the positive feeling listeners have for NPR and their local station transfers over to the companies that also support it. We call this “The Halo Effect.”


of listeners have taken action in response to a public radio sponsorship message.


of listeners have a more positive opinion of companies that support public radio.


of listeners prefer to purchase products and services from public radio sponsors.

For more information:

Danny DeRose: danny.derose@wayne.edu

Anne Masterson: anne.masterson@wdet.org