Ed Love Honored With “Spirit of Detroit” Award

Ed Love has received the City Council of Detroit’s Spirit of Detroit Award, commemorating his 60 years on the air.

Read the tribute in full:
Spirit of Detroit Award is presented herewith as an expression of the gratitude and esteem of the citizens of Detroit to Mr. Ed Love “60 Years of Jazz in Detroit” in recognition of exceptional achievement, outstanding leadership and dedication to improving the quality of life.
The Detroit City Council joins with family, colleagues and friends to honor one of the nation’s most prominent radio hosts, Mr. Ed Love. For 60 years, generations of jazz lovers tuned their radios to hear programs hosted by the legendary Ed Love, who adopted Detroit as his hometown in the 1950s, enticed by the city’s jazz tradition. National audiences heard Love’s deep melodic voice on his syndicated NPR program. “The Evolution of Jazz.” In 1983, Love went on the air at Detroit’s NPR affiliate, WDET and a musical tradition was born with his “Destination Jazz: The Ed Love Program.”
Ed truly represents the Spirit of Detroit!