WDET’s New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day Lineup
Check out the schedule of programs on WDET as we close out 2017 with music and more.

6-7 am RadioLab
7-8 am On Being
8-10 am Weekend Edition Sunday: Lulu Garcia Navarros and Annamarie Sysling host Weekend Edition Sunday. Get the latest news and some Sunday fun to start your New Year’s Eve day.
10-11 am This American Life: “Becoming a Badger” This week, stories about people trying their best to turn themselves into something else—like a badger. Or a professional comedian, in a language they didn’t grow up speaking.
11 am – 1 pm Ann Delisi’s Essential Music: Ann’s final show of the year concludes her look back on some of the interviews, in-studio performances, landmark birthdays and artists who passed away. Plus, a look at those making music here in the Motor City during her 2017 Essential Music Year End Special.
1-3 pm Acoustic Cafe with Rob Reinhart: This week on Acoustic Cafe, Seth Glier discusses his new album “Birds,” plus archived performances from past Ann Arbor Folk Festival headliners including City & Colour, Judy Collins, Ryan Adams and Delta Rae.
3-4 pm The Moth Radio Hour
4-5 pm Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me
5-6 pm Weekend All Things Considered with Michel Martin
6-8 pm Destination Jazz, The Ed Love Program at a special time today. The Legendary Ed Love, who has been on WDET for over thirty years, serves up Jazz as only he can.
8 pm – Midnight WDET’s Chris Campbell rings in the New Year from 8 to Midnight, counting down his top cuts from twenty 17 and previewing exclusive twenty 18 releases. Celebrate with The Progressive Underground – music with no limits.
5 – 9 am Morning Edition with Pat Batcheller
9-10 am and 7-8 pm RadioLab Presents More Perfect: Kittens Kick The Giggly Blue Robot All Summer. We tend to think of the Supreme Court justices as all-powerful guardians of the constitution, issuing momentous rulings from on high. They seem at once powerful, and unknowable; all lacy collars and black robes. But they haven’t always been so, you know, supreme. On this episode of Radiolab’s More Perfect, we go all the way back to the case that, in a lot of ways, is the beginning of the court we know today.
10 am – 2 pm Ann Delisi’s Look Back at 2017: Ann Delisi looks back on some of the interviews, in-studio performances, landmark birthdays and artists who passed away. Plus, those making music here in the Motor City during her 2017 Essential Music Special.
2-3 pm This American Life: “Becoming a Badger.” In this episode, stories about people trying their best to turn themselves into something else—like a badger. Or a professional comedian, in a language they didn’t grow up speaking.
3-4 pm Fresh Air with Terry Gross
4-7 pm All Things Considered with Quinn Klinefelter