Comedian Jim Breuer Brings Reflective Comedy to Detroit
“To be able to sell out every theater show in Colorado was…pretty awesome.”

Comedian Jim Breuer made a name for himself as a cast member on Saturday Night Live in the mid 1990s. Following his time on the legendary late-night sketch show, he appeared in the cult-classic, stoner comedy, Half-Baked.
The majority of Breuer’s acting career happened during the ’90s and since then he hasn’t appeared on television or in movies. Despite not acting as often, Breuer still has a strong following of supporters that grew up watching him on SNL and in movies. This past summer, Breuer sold out a string of stand-up comedy shows in Colorado.
On Friday, September 22nd, Breuer will perform at Soundboard in the Motor City Casino.
Breuer speaks with Ryan Patrick Hooper about his career as an actor and stand-up comedian.
“(The) ’90s was my peak–Hollywood version–and I haven’t done T.V. really since then,” explains Breuer. “To be able to sell out every theater show in Colorado was…pretty awesome.”
Click on the audio player above for the full conversation.