New PBS Series Visits Detroit In Search of Family Photos
‘Family Pictures: USA’ is in Detroit for the next several weeks viewing photos and hearing the stories behind them.

An upcoming PBS World Channel series is filming in Detroit for the next five weeks. It’s called “Family Pictures: USA,” and a portion of the program will focus on Detroiters’ family photos. The show’s producers are starting their series of community photo sharing events at the Detroit Historical Museum. The project initially began as a way to source images for a documentary film on African-American photos and photographers, “Through A Lens Darkly.” After that, Executive Producer Don Perry says the film gave way to a community engagement project, Digital Diaspora Reunion Roadshow, which is what eventually led to the idea for a PBS television program.

Detroiters can bring their family photos to the Detroit Historical Museum between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. today (Saturday, June 17). Over the coming weeks, there will be several other photo sharing opportunities at venues throughout the city including a visit to the Detroit Association of Black Organizations, the Detroit Institute of Arts on July 1 and July 15, American Indian Health and Family Services and the Arab American National Museum on July 13 and a finally, a culmination event on July 21 at Gordon Park near 12th and Clairmount in remembrance of the 1967 riot.