Need a Good Word? Try These
Wayne State issues list of words to resurrect in 2017.

While Lake Superior State University focuses on words and phrases that should be “banished” from the English language, Wayne State starts each year with a list of rarely-used words people may employ more often. The eighth annual edition of the Word Warriors list is out, curated by Jerry Herron, dean of the Irvin D. Reid Honors College. He tells WDET’s Pat Batcheller these ten words can broaden our minds and our vocabulary:
Acedia (n.) – Spiritual or mental sloth; apathy.
Anfractuous (adj.) – Indirect and containing bends, turns or winds; circuitous.
Blithering (adj.) – Senslessly talkative; babbling.
Bombinate (v.) – Buzz; hum.
Bucolic (adj.) – Of or relating to pleasant aspects of country life.
Effulgent (adj.) – Shining brightly; radiant.
Gauche (adj.) – Unsophisticated; lacking ease or grace.
Guttle (v.) – To eat or drink noisily and greedily.
Mugwump (n.) – A person who remains aloof or independent, especially from party politics.
Stultify (v.) – Cause to lose enthusiasm.
Click on the audio player to hear the conversation.