Culture Shift Drinks with Nick: The Royce Wine Bar, Why to NOT Shake a Martini & Inside the Bartenders Guild
Nick Britsky introduces the Royce wine bar, tells us why to NOT Shake a Martini & takes us inside the Bartenders Guild

Nick Britsky is a local cocktail enthusiast, sometimes bartender, and a member of the Detroit chapter of the United States Bar Tendering Guild. He studies cocktails like the scientific experiments they are and he’s tapped into the beverage-driven event scene in southeast Michigan.
We’re going to hear from him on a somewhat regular basis on WDET’s Culture Shift. When we do, he’ll tell us about a hot new drink spot, drop some knowledge for the at-home bartender, and hip us to libation-centric events around town.
This time on a segment we’re callin’ ‘Drinks with Nick’ we’ll hear about the newly opened Royce Wine Bar, learn why we should NOT shake a martini, and learn about the what happens within the Detroit Chapter of the United States Bartenders Guild.
Also, you gotta check out Nick’s Instagram, a venerable gallery of Metro Detroit drin spots. And follow Nick on Twitter … for your health.
Don’t be like Dr. Steven Brule, and please enjoy alcoholic beverages with responsibility expected by Detroit’s fine public radio listening audience.