Duggan, WSU President to Lead Health Equity Summit

How the health of residents is tied to the revitalization of a city.

a Black man in a suit and tie smiling in front of the American flag and a Wayne State University flag

President M. Roy Wilson

Photo credit: Wayne State University

Wayne State University

There have long been disparities when it comes to life expectancy, infant mortality, and other health indicators between racial and ethnic groups in America. Despite recent improvements, those disparities persist. That’s according to a recent study from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

While White Americans’ life expectancy today is age 79, African-Americans on average live 75.6 years.

The city of Detroit and Wayne State University are partnering to hold an invite-only summit on health equity. Mayor Mike Duggan and Wayne State University President M. Roy Wilson will lead discussions on how to address the city’s health disparities.

President Wilson says Detroit faces major hurtles with infant mortality, and other childhood health concerns such as asthma.

“Unfortunately, Detroit is among the worst” of major U.S. cities with health issues, says Wilson. And he says it’s important for the city to address those disparities as it rebuilds. 

“There’s a tie-in between the health of a city and the revitalization of a city,” he says.

To hear the full conversation, click on the audio link above.
