This American Life: Show Me The Way

Stories about people in trouble, who look for help in mystifying places.

Show Me the Way


A man discovers that his wife is cheating on him, and turns for advice to someone he’s sure will have his back: his lawyer in the separation proceedings. Unfortunately for him, this is the worst person he could be turning to for advice… because his wife is cheating with the lawyer.


ACT ONE: Just South of the Unicorns

A teenager runs away from home to move in with someone he’s never met, his idol, the person he respects most of all – a fantasy writer named Piers Anthony. Logan Hill reports.

SONG: I Want Somebody (To Show Me the Way Back Home)— Willie Tee

ACT TWO: Oh! The Places You Will Not Go!

A man who believes he’s turning into a cockroach reaches out to a world famous doctor for advice. Except the doctor will only respond in rhyme. This story was written and performed by David Rakoff and Jonathan Goldestein, with a cameo by Julie Snyder. It originally aired on the CBC show Wiretap.  Jonathan Goldstein’s newest book is “I’ll Seize the Day Tomorrow.” David Rakoff’s final book – a novel, written in rhyme – is called “Love, Dishonor, Marry,  Die, Cherish, Perish.” David died in August, 2012.

SONG: The Way Things Go—Mikal Cronin
SONG: You Showed Me the Way— Billie Holiday


This American Life It is produced in collaboration with Chicago Public Media, delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange.

