Reflections on the Bombing of Pearl Harbor and World War II with the Honorable John Dingell
First hand accounts from two men who vividly remember the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and how itchanged the world

On the 74th Annual Pearl Harbor Day, Stephen Henderson speaks with former Congressman John Dingell and with producer, Amy Miller’s father about their memories tied to te bombing of Pearl Harbor and what followed in World War II
Everyone Ready: Bill Miller was 17 years old and a senior at Highland Park High School when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. He says most of the young men he knew at the time were expecting to be drafted or simply wanted to serve.
Clear Mission: “During WWII troops understood who the enemy was and how the military would pursue victory”. But Miller also says he feels for those in charge of making decisions about the current issues related to ISIS because he says the enemy is not so obvious.
WWII: Reflecting on WW II, Dingell says that “we armed the world,” to help fight against the Axis powers. He also recalled the words of Winston Churchill, “Churchill once said, ‘The only thing worse than fighting a war with allies is fighting a war without allies.'”
Loss: At the end of war, Dingell says that, “Fifty million lives were lost. It was a terrible, terrible disaster for every country.”
Power: Turning to today’s world, Dingell feels that the US doesn’t have to be the biggest power in the world, instead, we have to work with our allies to beat terrorism. “We are not so big and powerful and strong that we can dictate and rule the world- we have to lead,” Dingell says.
To hear more of their conversation, click the link above.