Sue the T. Rex in the D
The Michigan Science Center has a replica of the most complete T. rex ever discovered.

A replica of the most complete Tyrannosaurus rex specimen ever discovered is on display at the Michigan Science Center. Its bones were discovered in South Dakota in 1990. From those fossils, scientists were able to rebuild about 90 percent of its skeleton. The original specimen is on display at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. She’s called “Sue”, after Sue Hendrickson, the paleontologist who found her. David Moan, a presenter at the Michigan Science Center, says the discovery was a fluke. Click on the audio player to hear the conversation.
Facts about Sue (from the Michigan Science Center):
Length: 42 feet (12.8 meters).
Height at the hip: 13 ft. (4m).
Weight: About 7 tons.
Diet: Meat.
Age: 65-67 million years old (Late Cretaceous Period).
Longest tooth: 12 inches.
Range: Western North America.
Discovered: By Sue Hendrickson in South Dakota in 1990.