Will There Ever Be A Solution To Repair The Crumbling Ambassador Bridge?

What are the Canadians doing to help fix the bridge?

Ambassador Bridge 1

Today Stephen Henderson talks with Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens about the state of the Ambassador Bridge.

  • Maintenance: Dilkens’ main issue with bridge owner Matty Moroun is keeping his bridge in an adequate state. “If you’re going to retain your existing bridge, you still have an obligation to maintain it,” Dilkens says.
  • Age: The age of the bridge is also an issue in its upkeep, creating a pressing need to add a second bridge. “This bridge is eighty-years-old, and it’s not going to last forever,” Dilkens says. 
  • New Bridge: Dilkens theorizes that Moroun might be letting his bridge fall apart on purpose to build a case for a new one. “It would appear to some people that they are letting some parts fall into disrepair to accelerate the permitting process to get a new bridge,” Dilkens says.

To hear more of their conversation, click the link above.

