MDOT Adding 54-thousand Cubic Tons of Mulch to I-696 Slopes
MDOT crews are covering up ten miles of dead grass on I-696 with $2 million worth of mulch.

The Michigan Department of Transportation is adding 54,000 cubic yards of mulch to a stretch of I-696. The project will cover up ten miles of dead grass between I-94 and I-75. MDOT spokesperson Diane Cross says mulch should better protect freeway slopes.
“[It will] keep that soil from sliding down onto the freeway ,and help support not only the walls of the freeway, but also the service drives, and so we wanna keep all of those slopes in place, and the plantings help with that.”
-Diane Cross, MDOT
Cross says the mulch installation will cost $2.3 million. She says she expects the work to be completed by the end of November.