Term Limits: Benefit or Liability for Michigan?

Should the idea of term limits be revised or should it be eliminated altogether?

Michigan capitol

Today Stephen Henderson talks with Capitol Bureau Chief and writer for the Michigan Public Radio Network Rick Pluta about term limits, and whether or not the limit is doing more harm than good.

History: Back in 1992, term limits were set as a part of Proposal B. The U.S Supreme Court said states could not regulate terms for congressional members, but could for state legislative members. Pluta says the limit is taxing on legislative members as it’s difficult for them to get anything done.

Impact: “Term limits haven’t worked out as expected,” Pluta says, pointing out that last week was nothing but a collection of blunders for the House. John Lindstrom, a publisher for the Gongwer News, wrote an editorial that explains how Courser and Gamrat are the reasons to end term limits.

Callers weigh in: Some callers believe term limits should be eliminated while others believe that it’s more about partisanship. “It’s hard seperate them out,” Pluta says.

Click the link above to hear the conversation.
