Grosse Pointers Working to Create an NAACP Chapter

A few Grosse Pointe residents want an NAACP branch in their city to promote diversity.

alger house grosse pointe

A group of Grosse Pointe residents are working to increase diversity within the city by starting a new NAACP chapter. Greg Bowens, who is leading the effort, says the branch could help bring more African American teachers and elected officials to the area. Bowens says the time is right for the historically white suburb to create a chapter.

“There are enough people of good will who are interested in promoting diversity, racial reconciliation, as well as social and economic justice, that now makes sense. I mean, the census track shows that the five Pointes and Harper Woods have been growing more and more diverse for quite a while now.”

-Greg Bowens

Bowens says he needs 50 members to form a new NAAP branch and interested individuals are invited to a meeting at Rockefellers Oyster Bar and Grill in Grosse Pointe Park on September 23rd at 7 p.m. 
