Sterling Heights to Create New PTSD Treatments for Police Officers and Firefighters
Sterling Heights officials to create a more comprehensive treatment plan for those experiencing PTSD.

Photo credit: Heather Paul / CC
The Wayne State University Physician Group is working with the city of Sterling Heights to help firefighters and police officers who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The city already offers a help line, but is searching for a more effective way to help those who suffer from PTSD. Mayor Pro Tem Doug Skrzyniarz says the new plan will make therapy more accessible and stigma-free.
“Really treat PTSD, treat mental health, just like we do with physical health. A lot of the firefighters and police officers around the country they’ll get an annual physical, but behavioral health, mental health, is usually not part of that. Is there a way for us to incorporate an annual mental health exam while we’re dealing with the physical health side?”
-Doug Skrzyniarz
Skrzyniarz says PTSD left untreated in police officers and firefighters can lead to suicide, alcoholism and drug abuse. He expects the new treatment program to launch early next year.