Wayne County is Hiring Full Time Jail Guards
Wayne County’s three jails is in need of more jail guard to reduce overtime costs.

Wayne County is holding a recruiting event next week to hire full-time guards for the county’s three jails. The Sheriff’s Department will waive the %50 fee for the mandatory physical agility test for applicants at the June 27th event.
Spokesperson Paula Bridges says the recruiting will allow for all applications to be viewed at once.
“We bring a number of entities together that’s they are going to have to touch base with to submit paperwork so that everyone is under the same roof, and we can move this forward and kind of cut down on the turnaround time that it’s going to take between starting the application process to getting accepted into the Jailers Training Academy and then getting you on the job right away,” Bridges says.
Bridges says the hiring process will be streamlined for applicants. Doors open at Cass Technical High School on Saturday at 9 AM.