Community Asks for Autopsy Report in Kellom Case
Community leaders will rally on Thursday asking for justice, transparency, and oversight in Kellom case.

Community members and the family of Terrance Kellom are rallying tomorrow night asking for transparency in the investigation of the Detroit man’s death.
The 20-year-old was shot and killed in his home on the city’s west side by an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent seven weeks ago.
The Detroit Police Department has finished its investigation. Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy sealed the autopsy report while she completes her own investigation.
Rally organizer Erik Shelley says the community and the family of the victim want to know what really happened that day.
“We want to know when we are going to get some answers out of the autopsy,” Shelley says. “Was Terrance actually shot in the back while he was attacking someone with a hammer? That’s what his lawyer says but we don’t know that for sure because the autopsy is still sealed. How long do we have to wait?”
Shelley says there is a real demand from the community for justice, transparency, and oversight in the investigation.