What Does Detroit Sound Like?
WDET and Doner are joining forces to record your ideas of what sounds are uniquely Detroit for Symphony in D.

Photo credit: Symphony in D
The Detroit Symphony Orchestra and composer Tod Machover from the MIT Media Lab is asking every Detroiter that question, as they work with the community to create a collaborative symphony with sound submissions and conceptual contributions from the public. The work, entitled Symphony in D, will premiere at Orchestra Hall on Nov. 20, 2015.
Here are a few sounds we’ve captured.
Now, WDET and Doner are joining forces to record your ideas of what sounds are uniquely Detroit for Symphony in the D. Share your ideas below.
Maybe the call of your coney dog order or the roar of a Mustang engine, what sounds are uniquely Detroit? Share your ideas with us or capture your very own sounds and upload them through the Symphony in D mobile app or at symphonyinthed.com. Your sounds could inspire composer Tod Machover and may even be featured in Symphony in D. For more information visit dso.org.